It’s Not Just About Getting Away: 3 Ways Traveling Can Benefit Your Whole Life


When we think of the benefits of travel, we often think of recharging, getting away from the routine of life and getting a much-needed break from work; all of these are fabulous reasons to take a vacation, without a doubt. But, traveling offers so much more, and I can attest to this first hand. While it is seen as a luxury in many respects, it is also a powerful tool that can benefit your life in countless ways. Here are some far-reaching benefits that I have reaped. If you are thinking about a trip but have yet to finalize those plans, I hope this article will inspire you to book that ticket and go.

Provides Clarity

It is all too easy to get caught up in the routine of everyday living and the responsibilities that come with it. We have hopes and dreams but they tend to get buried deeper, and deeper and before we know it, we have gotten totally off track with trying to build the life we truly wanted. We look around and wonder how we strayed so far. Traveling takes you away from all of this and provides an opportunity to gain clarity and really take stock of what is going on in your life—it does not matter if you go across the ocean or just a few states over. My greatest epiphanies about the direction I wanted to go with my life always came during times when I was away.

Helps You Conquer Fears

Travel provides you an opportunity to encounter all things unfamiliar; depending on where you go, you will likely be stepping at least a bit outside of your comfort zone, and often times, a whole lot outside it. The thing about travel is that you often do not have a choice in the matter—you are forced to confront the fear and do things that seem uncomfortable, lest you want to stay holed up in your hotel room the entire trip. You will see how much more you are truly capable of; you will get more comfortable with being uncomfortable and this will carry over into all areas of your life. You will go after more things you want, try new things with greater ease and find the courage to live the life you want to live and be who you want to be.

Helps You Develop Useful Skills and Qualities

The myriad experiences you have, and lessons you learn when traveling ,can carry over into all other aspects of your life– to your great benefit. You will learn to communicate better with others, and have greater tolerance and understanding of people who are different from you, who view the world differently than you do. For me personally, traveling has helped me develop greater patience and flexibility—two qualities that will serve us well in all areas of life. I am more adventurous and more open-minded. I have a greater curiosity about the world in general and am always looking to learn new things.

Kelli Cooper is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about travel and her experiences on the road; if you are thinking about making your next trip to Colorado, she recommends you check out Expedia’s wealth of information on the hotspot of Denver at

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